Dear Kevin
Dear Kevin,
I think you're funny, smart, creative, cute, amazing, and capable of doing anything in the
world you even dare to think of. Actually, I take that back, I KNOW you are all those things and more. But why don't you think
so? It seems to me that everyone around you can see this incredibly talented person...everyone but you. There is no reason
in the world you should feel so down on yourself. Even though you may do it in a joking manner, there is still a lot
of truth in humor. And the fine line between being humble and having low self confidence had clearly been crossed.
Maybe this isn't even my place to say. I mean, I don't even know you so I have no idea how
you act or what you do when you are around the other Kids, your girlfriend, or hell, even your dog. But you truly dont strike
me as someone who would go through all the trouble of having two completely different personas. But then again, like I said,
I don't know you.
I express this because I've been seeing it going on for a long time in interviews and such...I
guess it just hurts me to hear you talk that way when everyone else can see this beautiful person that you can't.
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