Artist: Death Lurks
Song: "Some Days it Might Be Dark"
Album: "Brain Candy" Soundtrack
Grivo: Hold it! I want to talk about drugs
Guy in crowd: Heroin!
Grivo: No, not heroin
Crowd: Speed!
Grivo: No, not speed.
Crowd, one girl a little louder than the rest:
Grivo: No, not even Hashish
::long silence::
Crowd: Horse tranquilizers?
Grivo: No, not horse tranquilizers. I just heard
about this new drug that makes you happy. I just wanna say...FUCK HAPPY!
::music starts::
Some days it's dark
Some days I work
I work alone
I walk alooooooone
I know
Bring me
Or not
Most days I work
Most days it's dark
Love me
Whoa, hey hey
I can't go on...this is bullshit!